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49 CFR 178.2 (c) Notification - Assembly and Closure of the Packaging

Clawson ball Valves
Clawson Lids
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Greif IBC Closure Instruction
Greif Poly Drum Tighthead closure
Mauser 275 Hybrid
Mauser 275 plastic
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Schuetz Packaging Closure Update


The above information includes procedures to be followed, and closure instructions for inner packagings and receptacles, to effectively assemble and close the packaging for the purpose of preventing leakage in transportation.

49 CFR 178.2 (c) reads:

(c) Notification. Except as specifically provided in §§178.337–18 and 178.345–10 of this
part, the manufacturer or other person certifying compliance with the requirements of
this part, and each subsequent distributor of that packaging shall—

(1) Notify in writing each person to whom that packaging is transferred—

(i) Of all requirements in this part not met at the time of transfer, and

(ii) With information specifying the type(s) and dimensions of the closures, including gaskets and any other components needed to ensure that the packaging is capable of successfully passing the applicable performance
tests. This information must include any procedures to be followed, including closure instructions for inner packagings and receptacles, to effectively assemble and close the packaging for the purpose of preventing leakage in transportation. For packagings sold or represented as being in conformance with the requirements of this subchapter applicable to transportation by aircraft, this information must include relevant guidance to ensure that the packaging, as prepared for transportation, will withstand the pressure differential requirements in “ 173.27 of this subchapter.

(2) Retain copies of each written notification for at least one year from date of issuance; and

(3) Make copies of all written notifications available for inspection by a representative of the Department.



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49 CFR - DOT

Hazardous Material Regulations         

Qualification and Maintenance of IBCs

IBC Regulations      

Closure Instructions



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